You may have read elsewhere that I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) and when that coupled with my negativity bias, my life spiraled downward. Once I learned to observe my negative thoughts, I was able to turn my life around by using ‘positive thought training’. Once I got the ball rolling, my OCPD took over and now I obsess on positive thoughts. I learned from personal experience that if you operate with a negative mindset, you are guiding yourself to failure. You are not operating at your best. However, by utilizing ‘positive thought training, you can guide yourself to success simply by allowing yourself to positively obsess on whatever you enjoy. Commercialize it. By becoming an expert in your field, others will seek you out if they want ‘that-product’. The greatest cause of a business failure is when that owner gets tired of the stress and frustration and decides to walk away, ‘I don’t need this anymore.’ However, with a positive mindset you look at your issues as puzzles that you want to figure it out, so you ‘work on it’. Day by day, each small success leads to your overall success. So, by obsessing on what you’re ‘working-on’ will lead to your success.