Some of my close family members laugh at me and say I should practice what I preach on my website whenever I get upset or lose my temper. I own that and I understand their point of view. They equate my creating the website and saying I feel blessed implies that I’m hypocritical because I acted in an emotionally negative way. They fail to take in the ‘context’ of my feeling blessed. Imagine you are homeless and unable to fill your dietary needs and then, for whatever reason, your life status changes to where you live in a comfortable home with no mortgage and your refrigerators are full with the food you enjoy. When you compare the before and after, ‘you are blessed’. So to my close family members I say, “Yes, you are correct. I am not always emotionally positive. But when I think of how my negative, emotional life used to be, I cannot help but to feel blessed. Yes, I have challenges, but I recognize them and do my best to deal with them in the most positive way that I can. I practice what I preach when I say, “I just keep trying to be my best. Thank you.”