The Down-Side Of Thought Training

The website is all about training your thoughts to be positive. However, the down-side is that most people have unconsciously trained their thoughts to be negative by their life experiences. (See Your Brain Is Wired For Negative Thoughts ) And the more their negative thoughts are repeated, the stronger their negative thought training gets, until thinking negatively becomes the unconscious, automatic, dominate thought pattern. ( See Understanding Neuroplasticity) This is a downward spiral. People around the world struggle with negative trained thoughts that cause stress, anxiety, frustration, depression, anger or suicide. And until they learn that there is a better way, they will continue to suffer. Training your thoughts to be positive is the solution. By training your thoughts to be positive, you will reduce the stress, anxiety, frustration and anger, and enable yourself to enjoy a better life that is full of happiness, success and contentment. (see Training Your Thoughts To Be More Positive)